

The Perfect Gift For That Special Someone: An Estate Plan

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Someday I'll die or become incapacitated
And so will you.

Okay, so it's not the most romantic sentiment ever expressed. It's probably best if lawyers stick to practicing law and leave greeting card creation to the good people at Hallmark. But while it may not evoke the same warm fuzzies that jewelry or a special dinner might, a properly drafted estate plan is one of the most thoughtful gifts you can give your family. After all, what better way to show someone you love and care about them than to plan ahead now to make a difficult time in the future easier for them?

I have seen what happens when people fail to plan ahead.  Just recently I had a client who enjoyed a long happy marriage but when her spouse passed away without a will, she learned that she could not access a bank account she was counting on.  Moreover, while her husband may have intended the account to go only to her, because he didn't write a will the account passed according to Texas intestacy statutes and was split between her and his children from a previous marriage. Because he never wrote a will of his own, in effect the State of Texas wrote one for him. The result was that his wife now had the stress of legal and financial issues to resolve in order to transfer property from his name to hers in addition to the other challenges involved in losing a spouse.

Sure it's not as romantic as a box of chocolates.  But a well-drafted estate plan is truly the gift that keeps on giving. Click here to contact me to set up an appointment.