

Our New Virtual Reality: Law in the Time of Coronavirus and Beyond

Since mid-March when the COVID-19 measures began in Dallas, I’ve had quite a few hearings. But I’ve only had one that involved actually physically going to the court building.

Mostly, “going to Court” these days involves a Zoom appearance or conference call from the comfort of home or office. I haven’t needed to wear my suits lately. Going to Court only from the neck up is easy on the dry cleaning budget!

While remote hearings are necessary during this public emergency, it seems likely that we’ll be availing ourselves of videoconference technology even once in-person business resumes. During a recent webinar the Dallas County Probate Judges reported that Zoom hearings are working very well and that they intend to continue to allow such technology going forward in a permanent way to some degree.

This is great news for probate attorneys and our clients. While there are a few logistical issues to address with remote hearings, there’s also significant benefit.

Clients and others who need to attend can avoid the need for travel and expense of parking and instead attend remotely via Zoom from wherever they are. Attendees who are not local need not travel in to appear or undergo an involved process of testifying remotely through written questions.

Where “going to Court” in person might take a few hours door to door it might now only take 20 or 30 minutes. Not only does this help attendees minimize time taken off during the workday but also makes appearing easier for those with caregiving responsibilities. Likewise, attorneys can also attend more cost-efficiently and pass the savings on to our clients.

It remains to be seen which Courts will allow remote appearance and for which types of case or hearing it will be allowed. Some matters really are best addressed in person and Courts must balance the protection of participant safety with protection of legal rights.

But for now, it seems that the Courts are joining businesses in realizing that many of the tasks we’ve always done in person really can be done effectively through videoconference.

video conference